Become an expert practitioner of pause.

Services Offered

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Speaking Engagements

Focused on the intersections of contemplative practice, Anti-Racism and Inclusivity work, as well as overall individual and group development, I offer colloquia and keynotes to support and inspire.


Anti-Racism and Inclusivity Training for Businesses and

Interpersonal growth and profit go hand in hand with a contemplative approach to professional development that includes anti-racism and inclusivity work.


Sensitivity Reading

As a sensitivity reader, Dr. Majied supports authors in making their manuscripts more inclusive, trauma-informed, and prosocial. An experienced clinical and social justice educator, mental health practitioner, researcher, writer, editor, and internationally engaged leader in applied contemplative practices, Dr. Majied assists authors in generating works that lead to reflection and insight while ensuring that their writing is non-oppressive and accessible. Dr. Majied’s insights on joy as it relates to the processes of grieving, healing from trauma, and joyful social justice engagement help her empower authors to frame challenging content in ways that support readers’ growth and well-being. 


Anti-Racism and Inclusivity Training for Academic Institutions, K-12 educators, Administrators and Students

Dr. Majied’s contemplative anti-racism training offers practices and clear guidelines to help leaders and participants in varied organizational contexts identify how racism and erasure of Black, Indigenous, Latinx and Asian perspectives manifests in their institutions, classrooms, curricula, interactions and organizational structures. Prompts for reiterative individual, interpersonal and organizational assessment and growth with regard to inclusivity and dismantling racism are provided.  The trainings also offer practical action steps for leaders, educators and administrators to uproot racism and teach students and workers to engage in  ongoing anti-racist development. 

Trainings include:

  • Assessment questions to reiteratively examine how racism and erasure of of non-white perspectives manifests in teaching materials and processes, faculty engagement and institutional formal and informal policies. 

  • Practical materials participants can use across disciplines and business models to uproot racism and undo the erasure of ethnically diverse perspectives.

  • Action steps participants can take to continually, assess and extirpate individual, interpersonal and institutional racism as it manifests at their institutions.


Curriculum Design

Whatever you are teaching, I can assist you in making the
curricula anti-racist and inclusive.


Training for Mental Health Providers on Contemplative Practice to Augment Mental Health Treatment

Many therapists are starting to add some meditative component to their work with clients. I offer training on how to do so in a way that also helps the client value their intrapersonal diversity as they engage in a more empowered and just way with the organizations and communities that support them. 


Replenishment Meditative Workshops

The challenges of life require constant renewal and replenishment of our emotional and energetic resources.  These workshops are designed to release stress and refresh participants so that they may approach the next challenge with both enthusiasm and ease.


“I feel a shift. A lightness in finally addressing the interpersonal racism that I’ve been aware of for some time and not sure how to deal with. Thank you for this gift! I’m looking forward to doing this again and again.”

— Mazz, Workshop Participant

Want to schedule a chat with Dr. Majied?