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A Deep Conversation with Kamilah Majied
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Sounds of SAND
Episode #103: Justice & Joy
Insights at the Edge with Tami Simon
The painful injustices we see across society may seem insurmountable. Yet as therapist and author Dr. Kamilah Majied teaches, “Undoing some of the injustice that we do to ourselves and others is actually one of the most joyful things we can do.” Instilling joy into our social change work is the theme of Dr. Majied’s new book, Joyfully Just, and the subject of this inspiring conversation hosted by Tami Simon.
Better Thinking Podcast: Dr. Kamilah Majied on Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living
Dr. K and host Nesh Nikolic of Strategic Psychology discuss topics from her new book, Joyfully Just.
Voices of Esalen: Joyful Justice, Fierce Compassion: Dr. Kamilah Majied on Black Wisdom Traditions & Buddhist Thought
Voices of Esalen: Dr. Kamilah Majied on Privilege, Human Potential, and Contemplative Practices
Kamilah speaks about privilege and some of the limitations it imposes, the various blind spots built into the human potential movement, some of the impediments to apprehending privilege, and how not to get stuck in guilt and shame while grappling with the challenge of confronting racism.
Tricycle Talks: Facing Injustice With Joy
The Lion’s Roar Podcast: Racism, Suffering, and The Joy of Freedom
Kamilah talks to Lion’s Roar’s Pamela Ayo Yetunde about internalized racism in America, the nature of suffering, how to triumph over that suffering as a racialized person, and how we can all find a more freeing, joyous way to live.
Changemaking Connections: Embracing Hope and Agency in Social Justice Work
You're Free: A Conversation about Resting in Unrest Towards Liberation
Dr. Kamilah Majied talks about meditation as a journey to freedom, the practice of discomfort resilience, and how rest resources activism. Dr. Majied highlights how meditation conflated with stoicism separates us from the joy of meditation. She shares her thoughts on never ceasing to advocate for human lives, and how unrest can increase our capacity to be with our feelings and set powerful intentions for personal and planetary growth.