Contemplative Practices & Wellness
Kamilah’s approach to the work of healing and individual, organizational and community growth

Kamilah’s Approach
Recognizing the interdependence of wellness & success
Whether working with individuals, families or communities towards psychological and emotional wellness or helping schools, business or other organizations develop, Dr. Majied knows that anti-racism and inclusivity growth is central to thriving. No individual or entity can manifest all of its potential without valuing the diverse systems and people with which it is interdependent.
The importance of pause
To actualize growth, especially around emotionally and cognitively difficult areas such as addressing racism and other forms of bias and marginalization, we need to become expert practitioners of pause. Pausing creates space between our biased thoughts and the biased speech or action we might unconsciously take because of that bias.
Meditative practices are inherently intended to help us remember to pause and consider all the possible responses we could greet life with if we only stopped to select our words or actions. Meditative or contemplative practices are intended to help us experience freedom from limitations and that freedom is found in the pause.
Engaging the mind, body, and emotions in growth
Kamilah employs diverse contemplative practices to bring people to the interior spaciousness, social emotional development and wellness. Practices she uses in inclusivity and anti-racism trainings include contemplative engagement with the arts as well as practices from varied cultural, philosophical and spiritual reference points. Listening to music, making art, gardening, walking, gazing at a flower and breathing itself, when done with the intention to land in the present with expansive awareness, are all roads to more powerful decisions.
The power of intention setting
Kamilah helps clients set an intention and use meditative practices to actualize their intentions to grow. This is the fundamental labor that allows us to ground our efforts to uproot racism in profound insight which drives growth oriented action.
Dr. Majied’s approach supports the development of fierce compassion and discomfort resilience to welcome growing pains and the cultural humility to interact with others wisely.