Explore Kamilah’s work
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Articles & Chapters
5 Meditations to Calm Your Anxious Mind
Lion’s Roar | January 26, 2022
May Disrupting Anti-Black Racism Never Cease
Lion’s Roar | June 12, 2020
Power & Heart: Black and Buddhist in America
Lion’s Roar | January 30, 2019
The Glorious, Victorious Life of Bodhisattva Wayne Shorter
Tricycle | April 29, 2023
Yes, She Was a Powerful Woman! A Dedication to bell hooks
Lion’s Roar | December 24, 2021
The Spiritual Leadership of Malcolm X
Lion’s Roar | May 20, 2020
Black Boddhisattvas
Lion’s Roar | January 23, 2019
Transcending Internalized Racism with the Perfection of Resolve, Generosity, and Wisdom
The Arrow | Fall 2022
Honoring Our Interdependence with Black People
Lion’s Roar | August 21, 2020
Trying to Stay Afloat
Lion’s Roar | April 30, 2020
Black, Female and Buddhist in Academia: Threats to Wellness and Opportunities for Healing
The Feminist Wire | November 1, 2012
Now Available!
Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living
Dr. Kamilah Majied’s book, Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living, is now available from Sounds True. Joyfully Just helps readers play with ways of being just towards themselves and then extend that play to engage justly with family, friends, work frenemies, social settings and nature itself. The book helps us access the joy of meditation and the freedom that comes with tearing off the restrictive garments of privilege and internalized oppression, allowing our hearts and souls to be naked and liberated in the world.
Selected Academic Publications
Majied, K. (2023). Contemplative Practices for Assessing and Eliminating Racism in Psychotherapy: Towards Dynamic Inclusive Excellence. (J. Loizzo, F. Brandon, E. Wolf & M. Neale, Eds.). Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy (pp. 3-12). Routledge.
Majied, K. (2015). Racism and Homophobia in Cuba, An Historical Overview. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 25, 26–34.
Majied, K. (2013). Sexuality and Contemporary Issues in Black Parenting. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 23, 266-277.
Majied, K. F. (2010). “The Impact of Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression Bias on African American Students.” Journal of Negro Education, 79 (2), 151-163.
Jones, N. & Majied, K. F. (2009). “Disaster and Mental Health”. The Journal of Emergency Management, 7 (4), 17-23.
Majied, K. F. (2008). A conceptual analysis of homophobia and heterosexism in Trinidad and Tobago. Caribbean Journal of Social Work, 23, 144-166.
Majied, K. F. (2012). Social work research considerations with sexual minorities in the African Diaspora. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 9 (2), 56-67.
Now Available: Dr. Majied’s chapter in “Black & Buddhist: What Buddhism Can Teach Us About Race, Resilience, Transformation & Freedom”
As stated in the book’s foreword:
“In ‘On Being Lailah’s Daughter,’ Kamilah Majied shares a beautiful praise-song for her mother, clearly her first spiritual teacher. She shares a story from her childhood of being frightened for no particular reason. Mother skillfully guides daughter to find her own inner strength: ‘She directed me to seek out wisdom and solace myself, thus training me to grow my seeking mind, my mind of faith, throughout my life.’”
Order your copy today!
Transcendent Wisdom and Transformative Action: Reflections from Black Contemplatives
Edited by Dr. Kamilah Majied, this special edition of the Journal of Contemplative Inquiry focuses on the insights and wisdom of Black contemplative practitioners, researchers, scholars, educators, and artists. It highlights the diverse, numinous sources of Black excellence and thriving and the relevance of Black sagacity to all beings.